I know this is a strange request, but I was wondering if there were any First Person Shooters in existence that you wouldn't mind letting a 6 year old kid play. I have a 6 year old and a 9 year old, and for a very short period of time I was actually letting them play Halo 3. My Wife thought I was crazy for allowing a 6 year old to play such a game, and I realized that it was probably a very bad idea on my part. My wife has decided that neither of our kids should be playing any realistic shooting games until they are closer to 12 years old. I'm not sure I completely agree, because I think my 9 year old can handle it, although I definitely wouldn't let him play any ultra-violent games, or super realistic games. Halo to me, isn't that bad a game, it does have some blood and a few curse words, but I don't think it's ultra-violent. I think I'd be willing to let my 9 year old play a game like Halo when he's 10 or 11, but I understand my wife's point of view.

I was trying to think of a non-violent, non-bloody, non-expletive laced First Person Shooter, but I can't think of any. Do any exist? You'd think that somebody would make a first person shooter designed specifically for kids, where the players in the game shoot Nerf guns, or throw water balloon grenades or something along those lines.