Quote Originally Posted by Icarus Moonsight View Post
I'm guessing Ebert will not be attending the exhibit...

While I view some games as having art like qualities, I still can't think of them as "Art". Love and appreciate them as I do. Someone explain to me how Cabela's Billy Big-Mouth Bass and Deercide Fest 08 qualifies as art and I might be on the verge of shifting opinion. Oh, and the Smithsonian... You're not the Louve, get over yourselves.

does quality come into the equation when deciding if something is art or not? i would say a painting of dogs playing poker is art.

should something like this be in the smithsonian? fine arts in the US have had to incorporate pop culture in order to get people to visit. look at all the symphonies playing video game and star wars music now. while there are trade offs, overall i dont think this trend is a bad thing