The most forward way to connect Twin Famicom to european power grid would be to use the original AC adapter with step-down converter(220>100V,) but i'd like to use EU AC adapter that inputs 220-240V instead.

So, as far as i understand, there is no problem doing so, as long as the eu AC adapter outputs correct V/A to the console, correct?

The original Sharp manufactured Twin Famicom AC adapter specs are these:
Input : AC 100V 50/60 Hz 21VA
Output : DC 7.6V 1.25A
Polarity: -(*)+

I have PSone(not the original full sized model with internal power supply, but the new smaller unit with external power[SCPH-100->]) AC adapter, which, being an eu adapter, inputs 220-240V. Here are the full specs:
Input: AC 220-240V ~0.2A 50/60hz
Output: DC 7.5, 2.0A
Polarity: -(*)+ (same as the original Twin Famis AC adapter)

If the power connector physically fits(iam not 100% sure, because i dont have the Twin Famicom yet,) is it ok and safe to use this PSone AC adapter with the Twin Famicom?

The 0.1 difference in Voltage shouldn't really matter, correct?
The current is atleast the 1.25A, so that shouldn't be problem either(AFAIK it doesnt matter if its higher, but it shoudnt be lower which would tax the adapter and the console itself not getting enough power.)

Thank you and please bear with me.