Hi everyone. I'm trying to find out the names and/or whereabouts of some of the artists hired to create the artwork for Atari and/or Intellivision. I'm particularly interested in finding out who did the label for the 2600 Missile Command. I've always wanted to interview one of these guys for my website.

I've done a lot of searching on Google, and I've even tried searching these forums to see if it's ever been a topic before. I haven't really had any luck. I figure DP is the best place to ask about it. So far, I've only found an interview with Ron Bradford on the Odyssey 2 home page.

I'm looking for names and contact info if you're lucky enough to have it. If you do have contact info, send it to me in a private message. It probably woudn't be polite to plaster someone's e-mail on the DP forum.