Anybody else playing this DS game?

Just picked it up today. Been playing for an hour and I don't have a farking clue what's going on. It's... umm... really strange. I've never seen an RPG where the text advances itself from screen to screen sometimes. The font is really really hard to read. They use a ton of really big numbers without commas in them to help read it.

The sound is bad. Really quiet, hard time hearing it on max volume. Sound effects are just painful.

Boy I hope this gets better soon. So far I've (1) watched the single hokiest cut scene I've ever seen; (2) jumped into a space fight with absolutely no context; (3) hit the A button a few times through some bad dialogue that I think recreates part of the cut scene; (4) apparently hired this bikini-clad pilot to take me off of my homeworld; (5) apparently engaged some kind of auto pilot off to some planet for some reason; (6) hit some buttons whose function I can't even figure out in a fight; and (7) landed in a spaceport for reasons unknown.

*breaks out the manual*