I had a dream about NES games last night and kept thinking about it all day today. So later in the evening a buddy and I went to a store that I go into occasionally. I looked around in the NES section for about 5 minutes or so and nothing really caught my eye. So I started to look into the Genesis section and up on top of the shelf lay Lolo 2 & 3. Needles to say, I quickly picked them up and opened them up to check everything out. Realizing what a freaking sweet find it was I got 'em. I looked around the store some more and found the NES case. Never seen one, so for $2.99 I got it. Picked up Yoshi's Safari and the SNES Game Genie there to. Walked out of there and only spent $31. Not bad considering everything was 25% off too. We hit up another store and I got the "How To Win At Nintendo Games #2" book for literally 30 cents. Also scored Deadly Towers, Infiltrator, Spider-Man Return of the Sinister Six, and Bard's Tale for around $15.

Just thought I'd also share some pics to go along with this story.

My NES collection as of now.