I got a GREAT walkthru from gamefaqs.com, it is amazing and helped me get to the final castle with no problem. But in the final castle, in the Wind Temple section on floor 6, it says after you use the Parrallax and move the switches THEN go south to the next room. OK did that no problem, but its the next room I cant figure out. The walkthru reads "In the dark room, watch out for Magi and cracked tiles here and go straight south into the next room". Well its the cracked tiles that are 4 deep and 2 wide that I can not get past. It doesnt seem possable. There are no poles to grapple onto. HOW THE HECK DO YOU GET PAST CRACKED TILES?!?! I cant figure it out to save my life and I cant progress in the game unless someone can tell me what Im doing wrong. Can anyone help me?