So I recently purchased a GBA SP AC Adapter on Ebay to replace the one I lost many moons ago. The auction I bid on claimed it is from Nintendo, but I have my doubts and wanted to come here for more information.

The AC Adapter is grey instead of the normal black I'm accustomed to. As I mentioned in the title, the model number is USG-002 which is the same as the DS Lite. The plug did fit in the GBA SP, but I am afraid to test it in it. It also only has JPN in parenthesis instead of having both JPN and USA. It also seems to have more Japanese text than English. If it helps, the etched marking below the plug read A9KTD30.

What makes me most suspicious is that in the bottom right corner on the side with plugs the little 'm' is gone and instead there is the word zebra with a circle around it.

As I mentioned, any help is appreciated. I already e-mailed Nintendo, but I figure people here may know if it is a region difference. I doubt that, but you never know.