NAVA = North Atlantic Videogame Aficionados. This is a FREE event bringing gamers together for competition, trading, and chatter.

Previously at NAVA...
- The store celebrated its 5-year anniversary.
- There was cake.
- Attendees ROCKED OUT with Rock Band 3 and right along side of that, went totally retro with the Atari 2600.
- Games and systems traded hands between attendees who brought their own trade boxes.

Pictures tell it best!

'Tis the season of RE-GIFTING and instead of the 6PM tournament we're going to give everyone a chance to re-wrap an old gift and get a new one in exchange. Simply bring any new or at least UNUSED videogame-related gift-wrapped item worth $20 or more gift-wrapped. We'll log you in when you arrive and put it under our tree. Everyone who contributes gets someone else's gift in exchange. At 6PM we'll unwrap the gifts!

In honor of the holiday season, this month's arcade high score challenge will be "Bagman". He's no Santa Claus but he does carry a bag around, after all. The person who logs in the highest score by 8pm will get a $20 gift certificate for the Digital Press store and will be added to the new "house champion" tournament plaque on the Wall of Fame located just above the arcade section of the store. Get your practicing in now!

Get your trade boxes in order, it's NAVA time!

When: Saturday, December 18th, 3pm to midnight.
Where: Digital Press Videogames:
What happens: Gaming, trading, tournaments, big prizes! Extra game stations are set up around the store. Attendance is FREE. Half price for kids!
What can I bring?: Snacks, soda and beer are always appreciated. Cakes have been very popular as well.