A while back I had the story from Irem's Famicom game Holy Diver translated. For those of you that are interested, here it is. First, a note from the translator:

"Here's a loose translation of the Holy Diver story. There's no doubt the designers were big fans of heavy metal, but alas, it's a pretty mundane and typical sword and sorcery fantasy revenge epic. This kind of stuff was pretty common in Japanese games-they were always naming game characters after their favorite Western stars and musicians. I left out some of the repetitive stuff, and left the main theme 'Holy Magic Justice' rather than make it into something smoother for westerners in order to preserve the 'Holy' Diver connection. And I left Underground Dark Empire at that rather than make it Hell, since the Japanese usually are more specific when they're talking about that."

The story:

"Resurrected-The Legend of the Holy Magic King's Justice

It is the 666th year of the world of magic. The Black Slayer, Demon King of the Underground Dark Empire, has extended the world of darkness and weakened the power of King Crimson whose wisdom has guided the world of magic for generations.

The 16th Crimson Emperor Ronnie 4th entrusted his two infant sons, Randy and Zack, to his faithful servant Ozzy. The three escaped the forces from another dimension in the hope to bring light back into the world.

The next 17 years were difficult but Randy, Zack, and Ozzy devoted themselves to the cause of Holy Magic Justice. The Black Slayer had further extended his empire over the countryside and the interdimensional forces were even more powerful. Randy needed to find the Royal Coat Of Arms of the Crimson to battle the demons. He set out alone to carry out the will of his surrogate father Ozzy who had passed away. Thus begins the Legend Of The Holy Magic King's Justice."

And just for reference, the ending.