Quote Originally Posted by mobiusclimber View Post
You keep waffling back and forth between saying two things: 1) you're answering the OPs question of whether he'd be able to make his money back if he kept those two carts; and 2) what YOU would do and how much YOU'D sell it for and what YOU'D keep. These two things are at odds. When you brought up point #1, I quoted that and stated that if OP did what he said he was going to do (keep the carts ONLY, not the boxes), then those two boxes would bring in at least $150. Which is why I was so incredulous when your next statement was "If you're going to be keeping those 2 games and want to break even by selling the rest, you'd have to get everything for around $200 or less. I doubt there's any way to break even at the seller's asking price unless you'd sell off those games too." How is it that if he sells the boxes for those two games + the rest of the CIB stuff, he wouldn't be able to make more than $200 on everything? This is the question I had with your assertion, but you keep going back to what YOU would do, not what the OP would do (and misunderstanding my point that the rest of the stuff would sell easily for well over $50). BTW, next time you get some CIB Zeldas and Punch-Outs, I'll gladly pay $10 and shipping for em!
Did Cornelius say he would sell off the boxes? If so I misinterpreted that, I thought he meant he would keep those 2 games with the packaging and sell off the rest. I thought you meant $150 for all the rest of the games with system, not for just those 2 boxes. I meant $200 for the rest of the games and system, nothing to do with the boxes for those 2 games. I guess with the boxes included it would be $350? I'm not up to date on the value of loose boxes.

I guess I was a bit confusing with how I worded everything. Basically, what Cornelius wants to do is the same thing I would want to do with that lot. When I said what I would do with the lot, it's how I would part it out to accomplish the same basic goal as Cornelius has(keep Bubble Bobble 2 and Snow Bros, part out the rest). If I managed to break even and still had some other games left over I would keep them too, otherwise I'd just want to keep Bubble Bobble 2 and Snow Bros. My main goal would be to break even while keeping those 2 games, just like Cornelius wants to.

It's been awhile since I've found complete copies of Zelda or Punch-Out, usually I just come across loose carts and can get $10 each for them when I do manage to find them. Keep in mind, the copies I usually come across are the Canadian version, they're worth the same amount as the US ones up here though you might specifically want the US version. When complete I would ask for more than $10 unless I was selling a bunch of games together.