Couple questions about AVGN,

1. When he shows videos of gameplay, do he use an emulator?

I think he has to be using one. I don't know how else he would get that quality of video from filming a TV. It's weird because he shows that he does have all of those games on cartridge. To me emulators just aren't the same, so if I was filming myself beating all of these games I'd have to use the original system. (And he does have a shit ton of uncommon games)

2. Does it ever bother anybody when he destroys actual hardware/cartridges/peripherals?

I kinda of wince every time he breaks a cartridge/controller/system/issues of Nintendo Power. To me it's just that there's a finite number of these things out there and they're becoming less and less every day. I've heard suggestions that he doesn't really destroy them, but it looks very real when he does.

3. Why does he have so many overlays/decals on his controllers/systems?

I'm assuming it's probably just personal preference, maybe Nintendo Power giveaways or they originally came with games.

4. Is that literal "Toaster" Nes actually functional?

It's kind of cool, but the novelty would probably wear off and I'd be pissed that I destroyed a NES 2.

I'm not assuming everybody here knows all these answers, but I would feel like a weird fan if I e-mailed the show and asked. Just making some conversation material.