This seems pretty appropriate for my first post:

I have recently run into a rather nasty problem with my version 1.0 Game Genie for the SNES in the form of the cartridge simply not reading certain lines of code that I feed it(or sometimes none at all), causing absolutely no effect when I boot certain titles up.

I have recently found this issue originates with my copy of Contra III, which simply won't properly activate a single code I throw at it, not even one! I have also found that random codes stop working on my copies of Super Mario World and Super Mario All-Stars as well, while the rest of the code strings work just fine.

I was informed elsewhere that my GG cartridge could possibly be corrupted, which would explain why it's acting so stingy when it comes to transferring certain codes properly. I was then told that in order to test if it's corrupt or not, I just have to completely fill up the entire code input screen with '0's and then boot the game up. When the main menu is fully loaded, reset the console. If the digits that you see when you return to the code input screen remain all '0's, then your GG is perfectly clean. But if any other characters appear in the code strings, then there's definitely an internal bug screwing with your unit.

To my dismay, when I ran this test on my Contra III cart, all that came up after I reset the system was a single line of code that read "00A0-000D", located in the fifth space, while the other four lines of code completely disappeared. As for my iffy Super Mario World and Super Mario All-Stars cart, the lines of code that emerged after the reset were displayed as such:


I am almost certain that these differences are no coincidence in regards to how GG codes act up on these SNES carts of mine and would love to know if there's anything I'm possibly doing wrong on my part or if there's anything that can be done to resolve this hindering problem.