After noticing my copy of Mario Land 2 for the Gameboy no longer saves, I decided to replace the battery and used a CR1616 battery with tabs and solder the battery back in. I had no problem removing the old battery, but now the problem is getting the new one in. For some reason, I can't get the solder to stick to the tip of my iron, which is posing a problem. I even tried "dripping" the solder onto the tabs but this doesn't work as the joints get cold and break. Does anyone have any suggestions for this? As of now, my assumption is that it's the iron. I used a cheap radioshack iron.

I can save now after using the tape trick to keep the battery in place, but I don't like the idea of using tape to keep a battery in place. It seems to me that after a year (or one good bump) the tape will loosen. I'm most likely going to have a guy here in NC I know do the replacement for a few bucks since he has the equipment to do it. But I figured I would at least ask about it since the people here on this forum probably know far more about this type of thing than I do.

Thanks in advance!