Since Kupo has a thread detailing his dislike for some of this generations gems, or regarded gems, I thought I'd start a thread on games that have not received the attention they rightly deserve. Please feel free to post your list and thoughts on each title.

Bionic Commando and Quantum of Solace I would pick for similar reasons, I think gaming culture s pretty focused on only the A+++ titles (that's due to the amount of releases there are) and we tend to overlook those games that play second fiddle to major releases, both of these games I had immense fun playing through and while both are not without there faults I think both get a bit of an unfair bashing

Sonic Colors for the Wii I would also pick, IMO it was the first Sonic console game to get things right since the 16bit era and while there are some niggling issues, like a. its a wii game and b. wtf is the go with this color crap, its a really fun platformer.