Hi All, I have been on the site a few times but never posted. Anyways, I just picked up a super famicom and am having some issues with it. I have two games: Link to the Past and GP-1. Both games work fine in my FC Twin so I can rule them out as the problem. GP-1 does nothing in SF, just a black screen. Link to the past loads up intermittently and goes to the menu. If I try to start a new game or load a previous game it bring me to a black screen with the music from Kakariko Village playing. I am using the composite cables from a N64. For power I have tried a generic ac adapter with the same specs as oem SF adapter. I have also tried a first gen Genesis adapter, both do the same thing. I am guessing that the game socket needs to be replaced. Does anyone have any other ideas, or has anyone replaced the socket in one of these?
