I know there have been topics on this before but since the search feature doesn't work and the site seems to be going bonkers at the moment...here's another one.

So here are the details. I have an unmodified Super Nintendo that I had been playing in S-Video on a great CRT. That's no longer an option for me. The CRT is gone and I'm now very tight with space. What I do have is a nice monitor that only has component and HDMI inputs. The goal now is to get the two to be friends, preferably without breaking the bank. I don't have the room for another monitor, certainly not a CRT. I don't know very much about getting an RGB signal out of the SNES in the first place. And the only RGB converter I've ever heard anybody talk about is the XRGB, which has one too many 0s for my taste. So any help at all would be appreciated.