There are so many "classic" carts (particularly for the NES) that had a significant impact on my childhood and are still quite meaningful to me as an adult, but the one that elicits more fond memories than any other is probably the NES port of Bump 'n Jump, which I used to play every time I was at my cousin Lee's house when I was growing up. He passed away unexpectedly back in 2005. Not only do I love that game (even though I still find it incredibly challenging, and have never beaten it!) but it reminds me of growing up with my cousins, who were more like siblings to my brother and I, as we were all very close. I miss Lee frequently -- probably most notably, as of late, in that I wished he could have been at my wedding last summer -- but whenever I start up Bump 'n Jump, I always think of the good times that we shared as children.

There are many games that I love, but this one likely holds more meaning, and more fond memories, for me than any other.