Quote Originally Posted by kedawa View Post
The iCade is too big to be portable, and too cramped to be comfortable. There's nowhere for your hands to rest. The stick and buttons are also not that great. It's a cool novelty item, but that's about it.
This is coming from someone who plays console games almost exclusively on an arcade stick.
I really do not understand how a criticism of an arcade cabinet accessory not being portable makes any sense.

Who expects what is essentially a bartop arcade to be portable? And to that end, the iCade IS relatively portable. It's mostly MDF so it's light and it's only about as big as a Vectrex.

I can't imagine anybody looking at an iCade and saying "Hey, this will clearly make for a great portable gaming experience! I'll use it on my lap, in the car, on the bus, in bed!", but whatever.

I have not encountered any of the space or strain issues that you have, but that's probably because I don't play with arcade stick setups with my wrists in a resting or supported position.