So...I just finished ranting on my blog, and figured...what the heck..lets see what gets everyone else upset. I will tell you what I mean...

I just picked up a crate of systems from a yard sale for $15. In the crate were 2 Model 1 Genesis systems, 2 Model 2's, a model 1 SCD, and a PS2. All were super dirty, but I figured they had them stored away and a little cleaning will do the job just fine. PS2 works fine. However none of the Genesis systems work. Not major..figured I could open them up and give a good work over..until I open them up and a horrid musty smell smacks me in the face. Obviously these been stored in a very damp basement prone to flooding. All the systems were rusty brown on the inside. This really ticks me off. Who would store ANY electronics in a damp musty basement? WHY!!!???? This ranks up there with the age old question of...What do people do with game cases and manuals after they buy games? It infuriates me to no end.

Anyways...what ya got?