When it comes to the Super Nintendo, to me, there seems to be a much more clear Top 10 list, then just about any other system. Especially a top 8. You can have your favorite games, in whatever genre they might be, but it would seem to me that it would be really, really hard to leave any of these 8 games off of a Top 10 Super Nintendo games list.

And here are the nominees:

1. Super Mario World : I personally believe that Super Mario World could be the most underrated game out there. This game was such a solid piece of classic work by Nintendo and Myamoto, but it seems that people tend to forget about this game, and gloss over it, because it's the game that everybody had, and that everybodies already played to death. Sure it's not a sexy selection by any measure, but it is just so freaking solid. An absolute classic, and a game that should be ranked in the Top 10 of not only a Super Nintendo list, but a 100 best games of all time on any system list.

2. Super Mario Kart: Please, try to leave Mario Kart off a top 10 Super Nintendo list. You can't. Nobody can. This game has playability and fun factor just oozing out of the seams. Again, not the sexiest choice out there, but it's hard to think of a more solid and fun SNES game period!

3. Super Metroid - Metroid is just such a classic action adventure game. It took a long time for Nintendo to give us a Super Nintendo version of Metroid, but the wait was definitely worth it. You have to consider Super Metroid to be one of the best action/adventure games of all time.

4. Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past - The SNES Zelda, is just a magical game, that transports you to a different time and place. To a magical world. This game just has that magical Nintendo quality that you can't put into words. Like Super Mario World, Link to the Past should be ranked not only in a Super NES top 10, but a top 100 games of all time list's top 10.

5. Castlevania IV - Konami's action adventure masterpiece definitely belongs on anybodies top 10 SNES list. Some of the best music, and best visuals that the SNES has ever seen. Just pure Casltevania bliss.

6. Contra III: The Alien Wars - Another Konami action adventure classic. I remember first getting Contra for the SNES, and thinking to myself, that this is what I was dreaming about, when I thought about the potential of the SNES.

7. Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island - Is there a more beautiful game then Yoshi's Island? One of the last SNES games, was also easily one of the best.

8. Super Mario All-Stars - Some people might have a problem with this game being ranked in here, because it actually is a game that contains games from the previous Nintendo system. So some people think that you need to disregard this game, when it comes to rankings. But I think you have to give this game the credit that it deserves. It has Super Mario Bros and Super Mario Bros. 3, and it has these games redone with 16 bit Graphics and Sounds. Plus you can save your game. Both Super Mario Bros and Super Mario Bros 3, belong in the top 10 of a all time top 100 games list, and the fact that these games have been redone with better graphics and sounds, pushes it over the edge. I rank it in the top 10, without a shadow of a doubt.

Ok, these are the 8 SNES games that have to be ranked in everybodies top 10