First one I ever played was Zork, on my friend's Apple. But the first computer I ever owned was a Commodore 64, so that's the version I remember most. The desire to create games of my own of a similar nature prompted me to learn BASIC. I didn't get very far creating my own text adventure games on the C64 because I would always get an Out of Memory Error. I guess that's because I didn't know how to do it right. I could barely get my head around the concept of arrays...

Anyway, if anyone else has fond memories of playing text adventure games (or creating their own) I'd love to hear about it. I won't mention the other titles I've played so as to give others a chance to bring them up. Also, if you have or know of any online versions of said games (not requiring an emulator to play them) please let me (and the rest of us) know. I know Zork I, II, and III are available on Newgrounds, but there may be others I'm not aware of. Cheers!