I cant support this at all. Games cost way too much nowadays for me. Not to mention after a game is discontinued the only way to really buy it is used, so this patent to stop used games from being played, to me, may create a lost generation of games. We wouldnt be able to play Earthbound without emulation or playing a used copy. I hope that when games are discontinued that they would let used copies of that game be played, at least. Who knows how this will work out, but just the act of them filing this patent makes me not want to support their next console. I dont like Gamestop and their stock fell from this rumor, I hope it drives them out of business and more companies spring up to take its place somehow on a national level. More so I hope this would make games less expensive. If we cant buy a used copy of a game it better be reasonably priced. $60 is way too much for a game that can be beat within a week, I dont care about trophies. The cloud method of all future games being downloaded to the console though would make this an non issue, but them filing this shows that the PS4 will have a disk drive in it.

I may buy a 360 because of this, the new model that doesnt burn out. But Microsoft filed a patent to monitor people watching "pirated content" or that you yourself bought this video to play and if someone else comes into the room you get charged for them seeing it too.


What do you guys think?