I mean from a hardware perspective. Theyre a games company, not a huge multifaceted corporation like Sony or Microsoft. If their console and games dont sell, thats the end of them, unlike the other two who have a large set of other things to keep going with.

I saw a guy on a stream of the PS4 E3 conference complaining about a 2D game being shown, it was an indy game, and he said it shouldnt have been picked to show off the systems hardware. This is the type of gamer that is being created by a grandeur that is getting harder to sustain. Why should a game being 2D even be an issue? Why do people have to talk about system specs when talking about gaming to feel justified in liking something? We arent all computer majors, so why cant this be about having fun and seeing cool stories play out? I hate hearing about video game crashes, theyre not going to happen, but companies need to regroup and realize bigger isnt always better.

Putting Nintendo down for not having as state of the art a system as the other major consoles is like putting down poor people for being poor or any other kind of monetary comparison analogy. Maybe some people who dont like Nintendo only got into games with Xbox or PS2 and thats why they dont realize how important Nintendo has been? Being there at that demo thing at Best Buy, I realized how different it was compared to other consoles, we werent trying to shoot each other, there was absolutely no trash talk and everyone was smiling at the cute stuff on screen, and we didnt feel bad about being there. There were happy people there.