Okay, screw with my lies and trying to cover something up which is not coverable is a waste of yours and my time. You guys want to know the truth, here it is...

I hate pp with a passion, a passion that is so strong that I want to fuck them as much as I can. About 6 years ago, I was running a business on ebay and for no reason they limited my account. I was relying on that money for my living. Paypal has 36 million members. I was nearly bankrupt because of them. There are sites out there such as paypalsucks.com for no reason? They held my money for more than 180 days like they say it will only take that long. BULLSHIT, it took 260. Only way I can screw them as bad as I want to which means nothing to them, but makes me feel better is to do what I did here, rack up fee's and people's money, close my checking account and then refund the people's money. It is what it is. You can guys can take this info print it on a huge billboard online if you want. I am not worried at all. No info on me is correct, not even Mike's at game gaval with the number he called.

Refunds are coming now...