Sorry if this is in the wrong group or has been mentioned before. If you don't want to read the long story, basically I need good 3rd Party AC Adapters for my vintage systems. Around 5 of each type. Which ones should I be buying, which to avoid and where to get them at a fair price?


My long story is this. I'm a gamer and I do a lot of garage sales to suppliment my hobby. I end up buying just about any old system and games I find and I save them for the end of the garage sale year to flip on ebay. It's about now when I start selling off my extras. This year is odd as I got a lot of systems without any cords at all. Usually I can find enough random cords at other garage sales to match up, but not this year, so I had placed an order on ebay for them. I purchased a 12 pack of "Retro AC Universal AC Adapters." They are for the SNES/NES/Genesis 1 and I thought great, I could get at least 8 of the cords I need this way and have some for the future. Turns out that I was wrong.

It seemed like a pretty good deal, 12 for $40. I did check the sellers feedback and he had some bad feedbacks, but nothing in relation to these things. In fact he sold over 140 of them, so it seemed like it would be little risk to buy them. They arrived very quicky and all that, but they felt suspiciously light. As we all know, a normal SNES cord is pretty heavy. These feel empty. I tried them anyway on my four SNESs but I got scrolling fuzzy lines on my screen along with the game. Tried another and the same result. I knew then I was boned and none of them would work properly.

Today I done a quick peek on Amazon for this brand and it gives a 50/50 good to bad rate, as does just about every other SNES adapter on there. It seems there is no good choice to make for replacement cords. The bad comments are all about it not working with the SNES and something about it not giving out enough power for the system thus the lines. I've not tried them on my NESs or Geneses, but I'm assuming that's what people bought them for and those must have worked ok to get so many postive ratings. Who knows? I've not about to chance damaging my NESs or Geneses to find out.

Anyway, seems that there is a return policy on them which I'll be using, but I'm still in a predicament where I need cords badly. I should have around 5 adapters for each of the common older systems, some to use now and the rest to save for next year. Does anyone have recommendations for getting fair quality adapters at reasonable bulk prices? Or should I just give up and toss them all up in a lot as bulk systems without power cords? Thanks for reading and double thanks for your helpful replies.