So, I'm pretty sure every single one of us has dealt with a glitchy gameboy nintendo logo at some point. Whether it's all black, or there's a few extra dots around the letters, its presence means that the game won't be starting anytime soon without a proper cleaning. For the most part, I've been able to salvage my GB colleciton with the use of a Q-tip and alcohol, but it appears that I've run into some trouble.

At a convention a month ago, I acquired a cosmetically perfect copy of "Ghosts n Goblins" for the Gameboy/Color for $13, a nice bit less than what it goes for online. However, I wasn't able to access my collection until now, and, finally giving it a test, I can't seem to get a Nintendo logo to appear at all at the GB boot screen. I've cleaned it extensively, I've tried inserting it at different heights and angles and all the contacts are there and clean, but alas, no luck.

Since this is a pretty rare cart (and one that'd be a damn shame to give up on), what else can I do to fix it up? I can only imagine this won't be the first time I'll come across the issue in my collecting journey, so best learn it early.

Thanks for any help!