I recently picked up the PC version after doing some hard thinking about the various releases and seeing it seemed like the right choice. Now though with the usage I get out of my tablet I'm wondering if the mobile version maybe not a bad idea either.

Can I share the worlds back and forward drag and drop like to directories to do it here and on the go? I know they used to differ a good bit, but around Christmas last year I understand it has some massive updates done to bring it up to PAR with PC within reason (can't render the HUGE worlds I know.)

Is there any down side really to getting the mobile version other than the smaller play area (not a problem to me) and perhaps janky touch controls? Or will it use a moga/bluetooth controller if it sees it?

I figure straight up the PS3 one probably is fairly easy to use stuck to a game pad even if some stuff requires some button combos or menu play but I am thinking it would be a more trapped version where you can't carry the data around and being stuck on your TV too.

If anyone has any answers to those questions or other information that's useful I'd love to know.