Quote Originally Posted by drunk3nj3sus View Post
Don't really see the logic in having only flash carts, if you're going that route might as well just get a modded newer console or emulation box + adapters to use the original controllers, you can get an ouya and a half dozen usb controller adapters for the price of one flash cart + basically every game you wanna play will run on it

Getting a flash cart to play hacks, homebrew, translations, & games you can't afford on the original hardware makes sense but it doesn't really replace a collection, in addition to that if you plan to buy the games that can't play on a flash cart most of the games that won't run on a flash cart are the most expensive ones

For NES players/collectors a flash cart is kind of a waste because theirs like maybe 5 games worth playing that'll cost you more than a flash cart & most games are a fraction of the price of a flash cart, for SNES I can see the logic because for whatever reason the prices of a lot of real common games are pretty ridiculous
If you prefer original hardware like me, flash carts make total sense. Sometimes collectors have games in storage, can't get at them. I would disagree on the NES though, there are dozens of games that were not easily available carts that are worthwhile to play. Either too expensive/rare, Fami. only, prototypes, etc. The Atari/CV/INTV systems benefit hugely, lots of unreleased games to play. Same for TG-16, all those Japan-only HuCards. SMS too, you can play the games with 3D or FM sound (with mod) that are too expensive to buy. The only major cart system where the flash doesn't cover completely is of course special-chip centric SNES. I don't feel it's proper to criticize anyone's collecting habits or their decision on game playing and setup. To each his or her own.