There's a lot of discussion going on at that site on that topic. A lot of people are stating that "Let's Play" videos, PewDiPie's content and what not constitute as "free advertising" and that Nintendo should just accept it and not try to take a piece of the pie.

To me, it's a murky area-what constitutes "advertising"? Traditionally it promotes the product, making it desirable, fun, etc. However these videos don't really advertise in the classic sense as LP's pretty much show you the whole game, so if it's story based the goods are given and one of the reasons to buy the game is now taken away as you know how it ends. Another point is that not every video really promotes the game but can outright bash it. How does saying a game or even a portion of a game isn't all that grand promoting? Spin off of that would be how foul-mouthed is the host of the video? Does any company want some potty mouth touting their game uncontrolled?

What are your thoughts?