I don't often ask this as I generally can figure out what somethings worth my self but this one has me stumped only because it was a rare instance.

I'm curious as to the value of a Sinclair ZX80 but its a little different than the usual its "complete" but at the same time its not....i'll explain.

back in the early 80's my dad was heavy into the computer scene and wasn't happy with what apple had to offer so he looked else where, TRS 80's, Commodores and this Sinclair among others.
He told me that he did a mail order from the back of a magazine for this ZX80 as a kit. for those of you who don't know the kit you would have to assemble your self. I cant remember if it had the while shell in the kit or not but that's not important. what is important is the cost. it was way cheaper if you put it together your self (of course) and they gave pretty good instructions on how to do it.
so he "mailed his check and/or money order to the address below" and waited.

the box that came was normal, it was post marked august 21st '81 as a common carrier from UPS.

he said he popped it open to find an apology letter informing him that the kits had sold out.....so they sent him an assembled unit instead. It came in the same box as his room mates kit, wrapped in bubble wrap, manual, 3.5mm cables only his was assembled and without the build instructions.

if I remember correctly he said the kit didn't come with a power supply but he worked at radio shack at the time and Atari 2600 adaptors worked just fine.

so with all that in consideration what do you think the value would be at?
I don't have the letter but I think I can get it because if I remember correctly he thought it might be important some day so he saved it. it was typed and signed. signed with a real signature not a stamp
and that story with how it came and what it came with is why I say "complete" the way I do