Hello! I recently acquired three Commodore 64s and the disk drive while I was traveling in Hawaii. Guy owned 'em since they were new and no longer had any use for 'em (it was me or the dump).

One of them works perfectly, but the other two and the drive are having some minor issues I was hoping I could get some insight on repairing.

• Floppy Drive: Not sure if this is talking to the Commodore or not because it started billowing smelly smoke and ozone 30 seconds after I powered it, leading me to unplug it and quickly take it outdoors. I'm guessing this is because some capacitors have popped. Wanted to see if anyone had other guesses and suggestions on where to find parts and /or suggestions on repair.

• C642: This one seemed to work perfectly when I first powered it on, but now the text on screen flashes different colors. Otherwise it accepts commands and seems to function normally, leading me to believe it's a video problem. Here's a video of the glitch in action:


C643: This one is probably the worst out of the lot. Text appears scattered across the screen and it accepts keystrokes sporadically. Here's a snap of the glitch in action: http://www.retronick.com/wp-content/...6/IMG_6815.jpg

Any suggestions are welcome! I'm writing a series of posts on playing with these things because I've never messed with them in the past (we were an Apple IIc family).

