I've always had a tremendous amount of difficulty selling my Xbox stuff secondhand either online or in real life. Stuff can be had that's dirt cheap, which is a good thing, but the inherent nature of Xbox's user base and market are centered around generic, flavor-of-the-moment stuff. I knew this even when I got an original Xbox years ago. Xbox doesn't seem to have the kind of backing that NintendoAge or Sega-16 do for instance, and sites like XboxAddict are laughable in comparison. I want to try and look past stereotypes but unfortunately a lot of what I've always thought about Xbox's followers tend to ring true more often than not. They tend not to appreciate the classic stuff that Xbox had to offer and go for whats trending at the moment. I have met very few hardcore Xbox collectors or enthusiasts online. I am no enemy of western video games; I like Xbox's versions of Beyond Good and Evil, Psychonauts, Voodoo Vince, and even Rayman 3, but a lot of my favorites tend to be Japanese because of they cater to my tastes aesthetically among other things. So for the most part I can kind of understand some of the aversion people in my shoes might have against the system as a whole. I really can't tell most Xbox games apart and as much as I struggle to keep from judging people it seems, as I said, that my prejudices may not be entirely ill-founded. Regardless, I'd like to hear from any Xbox enthusiasts (not just the original but 360 and One as well) that can offer an indepth explanation for why Xbox is their favorite system and most importantly, why, if at all, do they keep revisiting a lot of the old games that people have long since forgotten for the system or overlook for their current offerings like Halo.