Just read this yesterday and a couple of things stick out such as 20 million units being produced within one year and it being released July 2016. I highly doubt that it would make sense to release it in the summer. Fall 2016 seems more feasible. I think everyone knows although the Wii U has games coming up that all the focus on any big hitters is being saved for the NX. I think it makes sense as its time for Nintendo to just cut their losses with the Wii U as it has been a total flop.

The biggest question is what exactly will this be? A hybrid system an actual dedicated home console? A couple of Nintendo stated it being as a home console but without confirmation and a reveal I'm not so sure. They did show third party developers at E3 what was it about. I'm hoping its just a home console where there are no stupid gimmicks its as powerful as the PS4 and a lot of third party games. A lot of Nintendo fans may not like third party but there a huge of us that actually do. If they can go back to their NES and SNES days I would never buy Sony as their first party games suck anyways. With the same hardware that Sony has probably being cheaper by now I hope Nintendo goes this route. By the time Sony and Microsoft make another console the NX would have at least 5 years so it wouldn't trail behind them. Then again its Nintendo so it will probably be a lame, gimmicky console.