Satoshi -- Good, good. Now, I don't have a Vita, and while I've seen them as low as $75 used locally, I just can't pop for it with basically nothing for games coming out on it anymore I want which is a shame. Sony sucks when it comes to handhelds unfortunately as they have no clue how to properly support them thinking the ego drive of the console will just make it move (hah.)

I too like the meaty RPG of the JRPG variety, but I can't finish them anymore if they breach over 30-40(total tops) hours max. I'll play day in and out, or every other day, but some point in there like 20 hours in I play far less frequently until I just forget or demotivate to a stop and not even for a lack of interest or care as I still do. Problem is when I come back again I forget whatever is going on, really don't care to restart, so I'm stuck. I haven't played 3DS Xenoblade in months, but a week ago or so I re-opened it for like an hour, thanks to the plotting of the events you can back-read and figure it out so I could go on, but again I haven't touched it since and I had fun. I just can't do long games anymore as I'm just too preoccupied or tired to bother.

The digestable parts, that's something that helps a LOT. The earliest example I can think of is Dragon Warrior IV on the NES. It's a 5 chapter game, though Ch1-4 eat up maybe 50% of the game if that. The First four (plus into prologue) take maybe a few hours each or so to do (5-10~? hours) and can stand on their own like mini-RPGs. That kept me motivated. Neptunia seems to do this as well with the mini dungeons, you get bites and an ongoing story that comes together, like DW/DQ4 did. I'll have to look into it I guess. It is definitely the anti-Xenoblade as that is most definitely not bite sized anywhere.