Quote Originally Posted by Tanooki View Post
That's just whining dude, it has them all as far as the NES goes, which is what this package was about. I'm tired of all the bitching by fanboys how it lacks all those SNES/Saturn/PSX releases. Boohoo. It's a physical release, well made, or your choice is to buy all those individual expensive carts and disc(MM8) to get the selection of titles, or you go the PSN route which Capcom cut off around MM3 or 4 anyway outside of Japan. It's a solid package, and it's only $30 ($5 a game) so that's hardly asking too much.

It's the Legacy Collection, not the Library Collection, and MM's existence and legacy are greatly and almost entirely thanks to the NES. That's what this package is all about 100%.
It's lazy. It's greedy. It makes no sense. Maybe make a new game and stop rereleasing the same shit over and over 20+ years later? They must be incapable. Mega9+10 could've easily been included since they're NES inspired. There's nothing "Legacy" at ALL about this, I'll call it the Megaman NES Collection.

Don't know why people want multiple copies of the same games? Capcom doesn't deserve pats on the rearend for simply putting out a physical release of crusty old games. They can be played on like a dozen different other platforms.