Quote Originally Posted by bb_hood View Post
So Mike thought he could get a working prototype for $10,000... then he got fooled both times when he is is given 2 fake prototypes. If this is really what happened then he got scammed and he is a naive moron for letting it happen and get so far. He should have known the first proto was a snes.
If he's been collecting games for years he should have known exactly what he was given with these prototypes, you would think seeing the thing requiring Nintendo inputs would make him curious or suspicious about it. At the very least you would expect him to open the case and inspect the circuit board of the prototype he paid to have made as he was in charge of the whole thing as it was his project, especially before showing it off publically. You're showing off a new product of yours to the public and you know nothing about it or how it works? The way he explains it he wanted to design a new console with new specifications yet knew nothing about how it should work or how it should be designed or constructed, or how to hire people who could work on or complete the project successfully. He's either lying, an idiot, or most likely both.

The Mike Kennedy defense;