Is anyone else really enjoying this?

After Doom 3 if you had told me that my favorite game of 2016 so far was going to be this I would have laughed. It is fast, challenging, runs beautifully on a PC and isn't entirely multiplayer-centric. It plays how I remember the original Doom playing the first time I saw it (if that makes any sense to anyone) - I can't remember playing a game and flat out enjoying it so much for years.

It is the perfect tonic to all the turgid multiplayer 'aim down the sights at the man behind the crate' clones that have plagued shelves recently. Everything seems to be in a constant state of motion - the enemies climb and dodge and weave and so you have to too - each encounter plays out differently. It's a bit like Rage on steroids.

I liked both Hard Reset and Shadow Warrior - they were OK, but it is the enemies that make Doom stand head and shoulders above them.