Wow, I wish I had that kind of storage space.

I've had plenty of duplicate systems pass through my hands over the years, but if I didn't see a use for them for myself, I sold them off right away. It would've been nice to be selling them off now instead, with values as they are, but that's life. I can't complain about getting fair market value for my duplicates back when I did sell them.

That said, I do still have some duplicate systems, but I want to keep them. I like the idea of having some backups, some I have at different locations (a few systems stay at my mom's house and they get put to use during visits), and others I keep mostly as collectibles just because they're different models/colors/whatever.

The only system I've got kicking around that I do want to sell is an extra CIB model 2 Sega CD. I haven't sold it yet because 1) the box is so damn big that it'll be cumbersome to ship, and 2) it's got some minor issue that needs fixing. And I should probably compare it against my other boxed model 2 and see which has better condition packaging to decide which I'm keeping.

FPGA systems aren't a factor to me. I still prefer to use original hardware. I'd sooner get MODEs and flash carts and such to replace my games than replace my systems. Not that I want to do that either.