Quote Originally Posted by SparTonberry View Post
I believe LordBBH has done a big rant on the anti-dumping of homebrew/aftermarket NeoGeo carts and how that ultimately hurts the games' availability.
Having them limited to just a small physical print run ensures few will ever play the games.
Not too many are going to pay hundreds of dollars for a single video game, but then even among that small group willing to pay the asking price, only a hundred copies available?
I feel like the above game was one he specifically named.
Should at least get them digitally released or something so that all the effort gone into making the games isn't lost on something only a hundred people being able to play it.
I understand that perspective. I think Kraut Buster is the first game from that developer that hasn't had an inexpensive alternative. Most of their other games had Dreamcast ports, and a few got updated versions on Switch. I went the Dreamcast route on Last Hope and GunLord myself. Years ago when I pre-ordered this and the Neo Geo AES version of Xeno Crisis, I'd gotten a nice bonus and decided to splurge. Xeno Crisis is on just about every platform a person could ask for- Genesis, Dreamcast, Vita, PS4, Switch, N64, SNES, Evercade... Kraut Buster seems like one of the only Neo Geo games in the modern indie scene that's locked to the platform. I've enjoyed the game, but it doesn't honestly justify a $500 price tag and a 5 year wait. I would be willing to bet that in a year or two, they bring it to Switch, and are just giving the Neo Geo buyers some timed exclusive since just about all of us who ordered it weren't happy with the obscene wait time for a game originally slated to release in like 2017. They may as well just go ahead and release it, as it's not going to suddenly change the feeling of being burned by most people by the wait.