I just made the discovery (which some of you may already know) that Telegames is actually Re-issuing the original CBS Super Action Football (Soccer) for the ColecoVision. They sell theirs in a plastic case with a photocopy of the original box, and their circuit boards look like the newer style homebrew boards. The original Super Action Football (soccer) made by CBS has an identical label, but the circuit board is the original gold contact Coleco board.. also, it came in a cardboard CBS box!
Has anyone ever seen the CBS cardboard box?
I think maybe the DP guide will have to break up the listing into a 'telegames' and 'cbs' version.. unfortunetely, it seems the only way to know for sure what copy you have is to either have gotten the cart w/ the original cardboard box or check the circuit board.
when i get a hold of the SA Soccer CBS version I'll post it in this thread along side the Telegames release, so DP'ers can compare.
friggin' coleco games.
