Ok, simple question: Are there any sites out there that deal with rare PC games, and what they're worth? The DP of PC games? I'm shit out of luck trying to find anything.

I ask because I dug up something that *should* be rare for the PC. It's a copy of Day of the Tentacle (sequel to Maniac Mansion) for the PC on 5 1/4" floppies. May not sound out of the ordinary, but I got them by sending my 3 1/2" disks to LucasArts, and they sent these back to me. 8 discs, all with official labels. Never officially sold in stores, only available by mail order, and potentially made on demand. If that doesn't scream (or talk loudly) rare, I don't know what does.

Anybody? There's got to be some forum somewhere where people talk about Alkalabeth and Ultima values.. right?
