I am looking to the next generation already,thats right the 256 bit age,I was thinking what kind of things you think you would need to build your own successful console,say your a company like Daewoo or even Toyota and your wanting to expand to the video game market,here is my idea

My top 5
1. Sign a huge ungodly contract with the Great Developers to ony{EA,Square Enix,Capcom}

all three companys have major sellling game franchises and having them would ensure sells for the casual gamer as well as the die hard one

2.Buy a fallen game company and make them dish out a shitload of games for the systems release{Williams,Sega,Atari}

Sony had the right idea when they bought the european {Pynogsis} and changed it to 989 Studios and helped them get a good grasp on the market

3.Have develolpers from Sega and Atari past sytems to work on your systems specs along with new developers

It doesnt hurt having people from company who have seen the highs and lows of the video game industry,new age developers/progammers can learn alot from these guys

4.Licence out the rights to electronic companys and have a basic system set and an advanced one for people who want extra goodies

Basically have a system that plays the game and an advanced on that has extra goodies that maybe have a backwards compatabilty drive for Sega and Atari's old games {,2600,SMS,Genesis,Saturn} as well as other things such as added RAM,DVD-R Drive,etc.

5.Aim for a release price of 149.00 for the basic set and 300.00 max for the advanced one

If you want the systems to be successful it has to have it so the mainstream can buy it
