Hey guys, here's something pretty cool.


If anyone has anything to contribute, please let me know via a post-reply and send me a PM on how you want to be credited under the compiled by part. Shoot me a suggestion on if you think the name list should be in alphabetical order, or by order of submission.

I've got a few questions about some things...

Did I get the sleeves correct for Bomberman, Champions Forever, Davis Cup, and Timeball? Can anyone give me a date on the Timeball Card, or from the back cover of the manual? If anyone is not sure about the sleeves, but has release dates, or what titles released at the approximately the same time, that would be great.

Should the Quick Start Guide be included for TV Sports Football? Did other games come with these?

Did I get the case color right for Fighting Street, Monster Lair, and Y's I & II? I'm not certain myself. I'm kind of inclined to believe that they came in white cases, but I don't always see them that way... and I didn't get my copies brand new. Can anyone verify this?

How about the pack-in games for the Duo? What did they all come with? Did Ninja Spirit have a case? How about a manual variation? I know Y's I & II has a disc variation... I'll bet the manual is a variant, too? Did any of the pack-in CD games just come with those covers, and not actual jewel cases?

I can't really think of any other questions off the top of my head, but it's way late here.

Any help will be greatly appreciated. I will also appreciate any suggestions on if I could make the list better in a certain way. Should I mark SCDs? Should I really put foam insert for the applicable boxes? Thanks.