So there I was, flying down to see my buddies in Ocala Fla for a week of fun in the sun. It was Superbowl time and we were staying at a condo right on the golf course, where we had FREE access due to 2 friends being golf professionals. I was still marveling at the 80 degree weather and beautiful surroundings when I walked into the condo and there it was: A beautiful black sega genesis model one. "Oh yeah, I brought that in case it rains, said Fred." Well, like 2 minutes later we popped in NBA Live 95 and the rest as they say is history. That game became the focus of the whole vacation. My team was the powerful Orlaaanndoo Maagiic with the unstoppable Shaq Fu and my arch nemesis was Greg who used Golden State and the three-point machine -Chris Mullin. If you've ever played this game then you know the amazing joy of a thunderous Shaq Fu dunk right in your opponents face; or the incredulous "What!!?" after Chris Mullin somehow swishes another three pointer right as you body check him into the stands. When the week ended the condo was littered with empty beer cans and crushed souls (and wallets). There we were looking right onto the fourth hole and we never made it out the door onto the actual golf course or into that 80 degree weather. It was at that moment that I fully realized the power that video games would continue to hold over us. By the way.. it never rained.