I won an auction a few years ago from a seller with zero feedback. It was a power ranger megazord still in the box. I paid $25.00 for the item including shipping. After a few weeks of getting lame excuses for why I didn't have my item yet I check his feedback again. It had dropped to -11!!!!! I emailed all the people who had left him neg feedback and one guy had a phone number for me.
I called and a woman answered the phone. I asked to speak to Ross Horvitz please. She said "Sure. Just one sec." Before she had a chance to get away I asked if she was Ross's wife or mother. She said "Oh, I'm his mother. Do you still want to talk to him?" Then I asked if he was over or under 18 years old. She said "Oh my, he's 15" Do you still want to talk to him?" She was going to let me, a perfect stranger talk to her 15 year old son without so much as a "May I ask who is calling" or anything!! Maybe I'm just a little overprotective with my kids but come on!!!

I explained why I was calling and you could hear the anger in her voice when she covered up the handset and yelled "ROSS!!!!!!!" I told her about what had happened and she appologized at least a hundred times!! She said that Ross was handing $25 to his father as we spoke. 3 days later I got a check from her in the mail!!!

I got lucky. I just wondered if anyone else had any such experience.