Yo, my bud back in Oregon that collects NES stuff put an Intellivision package he got at a garage sale on ebay. There's nothing really rare, just a bunch of common carts/overlays, 2 intell2 controllers, intellivoice and intelly2. My question concerns the carrying case that he picked up - I dont see it described in the Intelly non-cartridge items section of the guide. His is plastic with the fake wood that all 80's products have, space for the console and 32 carts that he says fit perfectly. He says there might have been a top to it, but he doens't have the top. Anyone know anything about this?

http://ebay3.ipixmedia.com/abc/M28/_...09b811/i-1.JPG ( a picture)
http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll...ADME:B:LC:US:1 (the auction)