Welcome to the second round of "Theme O' the Week" (tm), a division of "Game O' the Day" (tm) and "Topic O' the Moment" (tm)*.

In Theme O' the Week, YOU make it happen. from Monday through Friday on these special theme weeks, it is YOUR job to create topics that inspire thought, discussion, and creativity surrounding the theme at hand.

The forums will run as normal, but it will up to YOU to make a theme week a success. On any given day, the forum will have a noticeable flavor, if participation is high. If you've been a subscriber to the Digital Press paper 'zine, then you already "get it". Don't let the themes dictate what you discuss, but if you've ever wondered or wanted to share something regarding that theme, this is YOUR chance!

Samples of threads that you might start.
- A thread dedicated to your favorite game related to the theme.
- A poll with your favorite characters pertaining to the theme. What's everyone else's favorite?
- Discussion on the worst games related to the theme.
- A collector's "did you know" about that theme.
- A gamer's "hardest/easiest" game related to the theme.

Get it? The possibilities are endless.

Theme O' the Week will run in spurts, perhaps one week each month, or less if participation is low.

Try your hand at it! If you create a popular thread with this theme, YOU will get to choose the next Theme O' the Week!

Carry on... start a thread today or share your thoughts about theme weeks in general here. Our experienced think tank will be standing by to assist!

*(tm) = That's Madness