Quote Originally Posted by Azazel
The Genesis one is the first Exile. The second one was only released on the PC Engine/Turbo Grafx 16 cd
Actually there were a couple of parts in lufia 2 where I had to look at a faq cause I was stuck on a puzzle which you had to get past to proceed in the game. After a while the game just bored me and I said the hell with it. There's better stuff out there I cna spend my time playing. Personally I'd rather play through more games and miss some secrets and stuff like that than spend the time needed to do eveything in a game. There only a few games I spent the time to find all the secrets for myself.
2nd Exile, are you saying PC Engine AND TG16/CD/Duo (ie is there an English release?) While I was not thrilled with the first one it's pretty much because it was too short, game ok. When playing RPGs I want to get at least 20 hours of gameplay. Gosh Ultima V on C128 took me MONTHS, and sometimes I played 13-14 hours straight.

Lufia 2 bored you? Maybe you like more action, I thought the story and characters in L2 were great, I never got bored. DIfferent games for different people of course and to be fair I can find something good in almost any RPG. Try playing the Phantasies from SSI (although I do suggest at least playing on Apple II or C64, IBM CGA is ugly and they didn't make PII for IBM, not sure why) Hope ya aren't "into" graphics, if you are Phantasies have the least of any RPG I've played I think.

Hey looks like you got your "cherry" with one of your latest posts, nice going, takes 200 posts I guess.

Have fun!!