Were there any Saturn ones not in white boxes?
Techincally...you could count Sega Rally and Virtua Fighter 2, as they were in the Silver label series and stick out like a sore thumb. Also, and the game eludes me, one of them had a whack color scheme, like the grey was the wrong color...too dark I think....

I have to agree on the long box PSX/Saturn/Sega CDs gelling real well together. I thought it would have been cool if Sega had figured out a way to make the bi-color stripes match up to the next game, so that when you're looking at a line up of them it would look like one continous stripe pattern with the game names sticking out.

However, my personal favorite (and yes, it is slightly biased) are the US Turbo Grafx games. I have mine sorted by genre and then alphabetical. That way when a friend asks what are some good (insert genre here) I just yell out colors to them.

The second best would be PSX games. Sexy black spines help the more colorful logos stick out.

The worst...as far as "with box" would have to be the freaking 3DO games...flip top, box, slide box, security box..make up your damn mind, man!

The worst "loose" would go towards any system with no top labels...so most portables, Jaguar, N64, etc.

Neat topic, let's keep it going!